Disarming Abusers: Guns Down America Demands More for Domestic Violence Survivors

Tackling the fatal injustice of the domestic violence epidemic means tackling America’s widespread gun access that is increasingly turning abuse fatal.
October 1, 2024

WASHINGTON — In acknowledgment of the first day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Guns Down America Executive Director Hudson Munoz released the following statement:

“The presence of firearms in domestic violence situations significantly escalates the risk of fatal outcomes. In June, the Supreme Court upheld a ban on domestic abusers owning guns, but this was the floor—not the ceiling. Not when 75% of domestic violence is unreported and 70% have a dismissal rate. In a country with more guns than people, the overwhelming access to firearms turns abuse fatal. Research shows more than half of all intimate partner homicides involve a firearm. We can no longer silo the proliferation of guns and domestic violence as independent issues: Both crises demand justice and accountability—not just from abusers and shooters, but also from the gun manufacturers who supply the weapons. At Guns Down America, we’re building a future with fewer guns by targeting the manufacturers who have commodified death. Without addressing the deadly business of gun violence—and our culture’s complicity as consumers—this epidemic continues to cost lives. We owe it to the survivors suffering in silence to disarm abusers and help stop domestic violence before it starts.”

Guns Down America is a national campaign to take back public life from the gun industry.