NEW POLL: Consumers want gun safety, would leave a store if they see someone carrying a gun

A majority of consumers report they are more likely to shop with gun safety-aligned brands and would leave a store if they saw someone open carrying.


A new national survey from Guns Down America from YouGov reveals a majority of American consumers increasingly expect businesses to take a stand on gun violence prevention and are repelled by the presence of guns in the stores where they shop. The policies corporations implement can directly influence whether a customer stays or leaves in a hurry, taking their business with them.

"Guns are bad for businesses," said Hudson Munoz, executive director of Guns Down America. "Actively cultivating safe, joyful spaces is the best way to contribute to a healthy society and a business's bottom line. This polling confirms again what we know from almost a decade of advocating for corporate action on gun violence: it's a moral and business imperative."

Key findings:

  • Over half of U.S. adults say they would leave a store if they saw someone openly carrying a firearm.
  • Nearly two-thirds of adults believe companies should pursue policies that could help reduce gun violence.
  • Half of U.S. adults are significantly or somewhat more likely to align their spending with companies that adopt policies to reduce gun violence over the next four years.
    • Support is even stronger among Black Americans (85%) and young adults aged 18-29 (75%).
  • The most favored policy is banning open carry in stores.

You can read a full copy of the survey results here.

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