Smith & Wesson Q3 2024 Earnings Report: Dollars vs. Death Toll

Every quarter, Smith & Wesson lays out the same strategy: flood the market with cheap, deadly firearms while washing their hands of the carnage that follows.


Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (Smith & Wesson) reported $21.6 million less in net sales for Q3 compared to the same quarter last year. This comes days after the company stood before the Supreme Court in the Mexican government's lawsuit accusing the company of fueling gun violence south of the border.

Smith & Wesson’s business thrives on destruction. Every drop in revenue is met with more aggressive marketing, more discount handguns, and more fear-mongering. Every quarter, they lay out the same strategy: flood the market with cheap, deadly firearms while washing their hands of the carnage that follows.

Three days prior to this earnings call, they stood before the Supreme Court, dodging accountability for fueling cartel violence in Mexico. Now, they’re doubling down on their mission to arm as many people as possible, no matter the cost in human lives by “innovativing” more cheap gun models. They are double dipping on consumers: they profit when people buy their guns, and they profit even more when the use of those weapons escalates violence and, in turn, a greater demand for guns whether on U.S. soil or south of the border. Their business success requires fear, death, and violence. Smith & Wesson is not an innocent bystander. Their guns didn’t fall into the wrong hands—they put them there, and they will continue to do so with no remorse.


A selection of gun violence involving Smith & Wesson firearms in the United States during Q3 or between November 2024 and January 2025:


  • December 2024: An Oregon man allegedly used a Smith & Wesson handgun to shoot a woman who later died following an argument over loud music. (source)
  • January 2025: A 14-year-old boy in Pennsylvania was allegedly shot by his 16-year-old brother when the teens were “playing with guns,” including a Smith & Wesson. (source)
  • January 2025: A .40-caliber Smith & Wesson was among the firearms recovered following the killing of a 14-year-old boy, allegedly by another 14-year-old, in Washington, D.C. (source)

Non-Lethal Shootings:

  • November 2024: An Alaska man suspected of firing shots at a reproductive health clinic was arrested with a 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol in his truck that police said appeared to have been recently fired. (source)
  • December 2024: A Smith & Wesson .380 pistol was recovered from a Pennsylvania man who allegedly shot his brother in the groin on Christmas Eve. (source)
  • December 2024: A 19-year-old Pennsylvania woman allegedly shot her boyfriend on Christmas Eve; police found a Smith & Wesson handgun and a spent casing after searching her home. (source)
  • January 2025: Three people in Florida were arrested after allegedly firing a Smith & Wesson AR-15 rifle at homemade targets, which led to a bullet penetrating a home with people inside. (source)

Incidents Involving Children

  • December 2024: A Florida woman was charged with child neglect after police found a loaded Smith & Wesson magazine buried in a clothes hamper and a loaded gun atop some Disney DVDs in her living room. (source)


  • December 2024: The alleged getaway driver for an armed robbery of a Brink’s armored vehicle in Illinois was charged with possession of a Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol in furtherance of a violent crime. (source)


  • January 2025: A retired Kansas City police officer facing trial on federal civil rights charges apparently shot and killed himself with a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield handgun. (source)

Other Threatening Behavior:

  • November 2024: A woman was arrested with a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson after allegedly threatening people with a loaded handgun at a mall in Pennsylvania. (source)
  • November 2024: Police found a loaded Smith & Wesson handgun in a Massachusetts motel room while investigating allegations that a Florida man had assaulted a woman with a firearm.  (source)
  • November 2024: Erie, Pa., police recovered a stolen 9mm Smith & Wesson after searching a home where a 17-year-old girl was allegedly being held against her will. (source)
  • December 2024: A Pennsylvania man allegedly threatened to shoot police officers with a Smith & Wesson .38 special revolver. (source)
  • January 2025: A white man allegedly brandished a Smith and Wesson handgun during an argument with a Black woman at an Indianapolis gas station. (source)
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